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The Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Your Graduate CV

Are you looking to secure your breakout role in the industry? As specialists in Graduate recruitment, we can help with that but there’s an important thing to consider. Having a well-written and tailored graduate CV can make all the difference when it comes to competing against thousands of other students applying for that same job. In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips on how to write an effective graduate CV – from common mistakes and how to avoid them, what sections should be included, and best practices that will set you up with the perfect CV. Keep reading through this guide if you want to craft a high-quality application that stands out from the rest.

Research and understand the job requirements

Two people sat down disussing a CVLooking for a job can be a daunting task, but tailoring your CV to fit the company and job role may just have you landing your dream job. Before sending in your CV, it is important to research the company and job requirements to ensure that you are meeting their expectations. It is helpful to show the employer that you have taken the time to understand their company values and what they are looking for in a candidate. By tailoring your CV to fit their needs, you may catch their attention and stand out amongst other applicants. So take the time to research and tailor your CV, it could be the key to landing your next job opportunity!

Choose a professional layout

When it comes to job hunting, your CV is your selling point. But with employers sifting through hundreds of applications, how can you make yours stand out? One simple trick is to choose a professional layout and use clear headings. This not only makes your CV easier on the eyes but also helps employers quickly identify the information they’re looking for. Think of it as a roadmap to your career history and accomplishments.

Showcase your relevant skills and experience

One effective way to demonstrate your competence is by sharing examples of relevant projects, dissertations and work experience. These examples provide tangible evidence of your ability to perform tasks and meet objectives. It’s also key to highlight any notable academic achievements as well as all grades achieved throughout your education. This not only shows what you’re capable of but also helps employers understand how you can contribute to their team. Remember, it’s all about making a strong first impression and standing out from the other applicants.

Use powerful language

Several people looking at a CVIf you’re looking to sell yourself as the candidate of choice, the language you use is crucial. You want to come across as powerful and confident, without sounding arrogant. One great way to do this is by using action words that pack a punch. Instead of saying “I worked on a project,” try “I spearheaded a project that resulted in a 40% increase in revenue.” See the difference? Anyone can work on a project but with slight adaptation, you’ve put an impact and meaning behind your statement. Make sure your language is clear, concise, and impactful – it’ll leave a lasting impression on anyone who reads it.

Proofread your CV

When it comes to applying for a new job, submitting a polished CV is crucial. That’s why getting someone else to proofread your CV before submitting it can make all the difference. It’s easy to overlook small errors, and having a fresh set of eyes can help catch mistakes you might miss. Consider having a friend or family member read over your CV, or even better, contact your careers advisor at university to check over it with you. They can offer valuable insight on how to make your CV stand out and ensure it showcases your strengths and abilities. Taking the time to get a second opinion will ultimately increase the chances of your CV standing out amongst others.


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